Sunday, November 27, 2011

Acupuncture for Migraines How Effective Is It

Originally developed by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Originally developed by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) acupuncture is an ancient form of treatment used for chronic health conditions, that has becoming increasingly accepted by the West as a viable method of treatment. Treatment is performed by the placement of fine, long strong needles in specific points along the body's meridians that aids in the restoration and balance of yin and yang. Done properly, acupuncture helps realign the flow of chi or vital energy along the body's paths.

Migraines are extremely severe headaches that are experienced by tens of millions of people that can last from a few minutes to a few days. Migraines can be triggered by stress, diet, allergens and changes in the weather but the specific reason some people (especially women) are more susceptible is still a mystery. The severity of the pain can impair vision and render the sufferer virtually unable to function.

One of the leading causes of absenteeism from work, migraines result in the loss of tens of billions of dollars a year in lost productivity and medical expenses. Fortunately, acupuncture has been found to be an effective in the control and prevention of the associated pain.

Migraine Prevention
Over the years, many studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of using acupuncture to treat migraines. When people with a history of migraines were divided into groups with one given regular treatments using acupuncture aimed at head pain while another group was treated with migraine medication, it was found that the group receiving the acupuncture treatments had fewer missed work days and no side effects. The study also concluded that treating migraines using acupuncture was also more cost-effective.

In another study, points were assigned to the duration, severity and frequency of migraine pain and other symptoms. This was done to quantify the effect on each patient's quality of life. Several types of medication were used on subgroups of patients not using acupuncture and it was discovered that using acupuncture to treat migraines was significantly more effective at reducing symptoms, than any of the migraine medicines. During the first six months of the study, patients that were treated using acupuncture showed a drop of more than 78,000 points while the patients that received the migraine medicines showed a drop of less than 4.500 points. The ratio continued throughout the entire year of the study.

On an individual basis, the average patient being treated with acupuncture experienced a drop of 80 percent of the quantifiable values while the average per patient receiving the migraine medicines showed a drop of less than 46 percent. In addition, no side effects were reported by a single patient being treated for their migraines using acupuncture while side effects for those on medications included diarrhea, nausea and burning sensations. Some medications also caused vomiting and stuffiness in the chest.

The difference in cost and lost days from work between acupuncture treatments and medical prescriptions significantly favored those who were treated using acupuncture. Although Western doctors were amazed at the outcome, acupuncture practitioners were disappointed because the study was limited to measuring pain control and they know that acupuncture can do much more.

Cabbage Soup Diet

Cabbage soup diet- the perfect Weapon against Fat! Become Fit fast and Easy starting from today.
If you need to lose just a few pounds of fat then cabbage soup diet is just perfect for you, It allows to lose you several pounds in 7days! that’s it- this diet is only for 7days and It consists mostly of eating as much cabbage soup as you wish! How awesome is that? You can eat how much you want and still lose that stubborn fat. Cabbage soup diet is so effective that it have almost no calories in it and have a lot of water what helps to lose weight- In fact it’s proven that the more water you takein, the more fat you will lose just like that even if you don’t follow the original cabbage soup diet.

With this diet plan you will be making soups/snacks from low calorie vegetables such as cabbage,onions, tomatoes and tomato juice.
There are few Pros and cons to this cabbage soup diet which are,
-You will be able to lose weight fast
-You can eat as much listed foods as you want
-Great motivation to jumpstart your diet
-Easy to make
-Cleanses your body

-the cabbage soup itself is pretty bland
-You will be feeling weak because of lack of calories
-there will be decrease in calorie concentration
-Low in proteins and vitamins
-There will be no sweet but only a lot of vegetables
-Mostly water weight loss

But still if you need to lose weight fast cabbage soup diet is a good jump-start to see how you will look FEW pounds lighter.
As with every diet then also with cabbage soup diet you still must stay motivated to lose that weight but it will be much faster then the regular diets for sure!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

fish oil side effects

fish oil side effects

There are many kinds of fish oils that are available today in the form of soft gel pills, however one needs to identify whether they are prone to any kind of fish oil side effects prior to including fish oil supplements in their diets. Fish oil supplements that are made from mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon, seal blubber usually do not have any kind of anti- oxidising agents. Due to their natural nature there are high chances of the fish oil supplements getting spoilt and hence these medications are often complemented with vitamins E to make them non-perishable and. Sometimes they are combined with calcium, iron and or other vitamins like A, B, C, D so as to help people to avoid taking different pills for different nutrients. But for many, this might be completely unsuitable in regard to the quantities that have been used and hence cause fish oil side effects.

Other known reasons of taking fish oil supplements that might not be able to complement your diet completely are the low content of ant oxidising agents and that for a fact fish oil easily perishes and leads to a release of unhealthy free radicals. These radicals might cause related fish oil side effects on your health. Anti oxidising agents are required by the body and hence sometimes fish oil collected from fish that has been exposed to oxygen for a prolonged period or if fish has become rancid, can cause these harmful side effects on your health. For these reasons, it is always preferred to consume fish oil from a tried and tested source and doctor recommended companies rather than trying out your own choice from over the counter.
There are certain situations where Omega 3 fatty acids can worsen chronic disorders. Certain fish oil side effects creep up when people intake more than the diagnosed amounts of Omega 3 in their diet. It is usually recommended to consume a maximum of 3 grams per day that is as far as the safe limit goes for this fatty acid for a human body.

According to more studies it is proved that although fish oil intake helps to reduce cholesterol absorption in the digestive tracks of the body, people are prone to facing some fish oil side effects because of the same reason too. The reasons are unexplained as to why it happens, but there would be more likely muscle pain, fever, body aches and tenderness at times even weakness faced by people who suffer from a fish oil side effect. Such kind of side effects is even difficult to tackle and pin point the reason for their occurrences. There have been cases where 3 – 4 % of the people consuming fish oil have sever fish oil side effects like an infection on the respiratory tract, joint pains and even diarrhoea.

If taken in the right quantities after proper doctor evaluation and prescription and consuming a good brand of fish oil, fish oil side effects are quite common but not severe and can be managed by changing the constituent or intake amount, but it is definitely a supplement one should not consider losing out on because of its benefits.

You are a Natural Beauty, use natural beauty products.

The cosmetics industry are using cheap ingredients that can ruin our health. The regulation on beauty products are few and far between. Many common ingredients are known to cause disease. Even products for babies contain these harmful substances.

My daughter, she's a bit of a chemistry nerd, was soaking in the tub recently when she decided to read the ingredients list on one of her bath products. She was breaking down the chemical composition of each ingredient, when she came to one she couldn't figure out. So she Binged it on her iPhone (yes even though she was in the tub, the iPhone was right by her side). Anyway, according to the search engine, the chemical that she was questioning turned out to be asbestos. That's right, asbestos. Right there, lurking in her bath, was a product commonly known to cause cancer. Unbelievable. The nasty item was trashed and is now residing in our local landfill. Hopefully Mother Nature is having her way with the offensive product.

Be wary of what you put on your skin. It may not seem like much, but our bodies are continually bombarded with chemicals in our beauty products, food, air and water. Our bodies are not equipped to deal with such vile substances and over time they simply build up inside us. Most of the time, these chemicals are simply unnecessary.

More and more, companies are using organic ingredients in their products. But be wary of ingredients labeled "natural". Just about anything can be labeled natural, but it could be processed so much that it is no longer good for you. There is no set guidelines on what is can be labeled as natural. Keep an eye out for products labeled 100% organic. Olive oil on your skin or milk in your bath, are simple, good for you, and inexpensive. Many basic beauty items can be found at your grocery market, in fact, they may already be in your kitchen.

Many of the expensive beauty products found in department stores are not good for you. Don't believe that a product is good for you just because they have a wonderful marketing campaign. Read labels. Do a little research. Look for "100% organic" on the label.

Be happy, be healthy and stay informed.

Anita Hamasaki is obsessed with finding natural alternatives to chemically laden beauty products

Home Laser Hair Removal Systems

With the advancement in technology and new inventions every day, life has become very easy.

Now why wait to get the appointment with the doctor for laser hair removal treatment or why to change your schedule in order to attend your one of the session?

Don’t worry! Neither will you miss any of your laser hair removal sessions, nor have to make an extra effort to attend the session by changing your schedule. Now laser hair removal treatment system comes to your home.

New and new laser hair removal machines are coming to the market. Different companies are manufacturing the product. In order to survive the cut throat competition, better and better models of home laser hair removal machines are being invented. All the machines are competent and come with elaborate instructions, how to use them. One must be extremely careful while using the machines to get the best results.

Though there are many different types of home laser hair removal machines are available, but all of them work on the same principle. A laser light is produced which destroys the hair follicle. As a result of which the hair growth is prohibited. The heat is used to destroy the follicle. Sometimes, the redness can be seen and uneasiness and burning sensation can be felt at the surface of the skin. A good quality home laser hair removal system takes care of this. The side-effects shown by it are negligible.

A treatment with home laser hair removal system is very easy and quick. You don’t have to go according to the clock to use it. You can use it anytime and anywhere. Home laser hair removal systems are portable and light weighted. You can carry them anywhere. They are very convenient to use. The biggest advantage of using home laser hair removal system is that the treatment is painless. The light destroys the hair follicle and does not affect the area around the hair follicle.

As every coin has two sides, in the same way, home laser hair removal systems have some draw-backs also. Professional practitioners in salons and clinics take proper precautions while doing laser treatment. Most of the times, we are not able to take care of everything like the timings, the movement of the laser etc. Home laser hair removal machine can be very dangerous and can lead to serious side-effects, if the treatment is not properly. Moreover, it can be very time consuming. Moreover, sometimes it becomes impossible to treat large areas of skin with home laser hair removal systems. The lasers used by the professionals in the salons and clinics are of very high quality and are very powerful instruments, costing from $30,000 to $40,000. Even such high quality instruments don’t promise 100% results, then how can we expect 100% results from home laser hair removal systems?

Home laser hair removal systems can be very helpful if used with proper precautions. One has to be very cautious while handling them, only then the desired results can be obtained.

Considering Laser Hair Removal to Remove Body Hair?

Don’t you want to get rid of unwanted hairs sprouting from your body? Are you fed up from repeated shaving sessions? Does painful waxing session empty your pocket every month? Don’t you want to have smooth and svelte look? If the answer is “yes”, you are surely looking for the laser hair treatment.

The laser hair removal treatment is safe and recognized by dermatologists all around the world. The method is quick, fast, convenient and best of all, it is painless. This is because of the fact that light is absorbed by the hair follicle not the skin. The light destroys the hair follicle and thus the hair cannot be grown again. Most of the times, a cooling device is fitted with the laser to cool the skin down. This prevents the scarring and blistering of the skin. Immediately after the treatment, additional cooling ointments and moisturizers are applied to the skin to enhance the cooling effect.

Before the treatment, it is advised to avoid extreme sun exposure and food with high Beta Carotene content, such as carrots. This is because Beta Carotene imparts a yellow or orange effect on the skin and thus the laser rays are prevented from being absorbed into the hair follicles. After the treatment, sunbathing and chemicals like bleach should be avoided for several weeks. Use of perfumes on the treated area is strictly prohibited as it can lead to itching of the skin. It is very important to take proper information from your laser hair clinician, regarding the do’s and don’ts before and after the laser hair removal treatment.

Laser hair removal treatment can be done on any part of the body, arms, legs, back, chest, bikini line, upper lips, neck, chin etc. Now with ease, women can have hairless body. Males don’t lack behind in this aspect either. Male body hair removal is becoming increasingly popular and more and more men are going for laser hair removal treatment. Most of the men go for laser hair removal treatment on their back and chest part.

Laser hair removal isn’t suitable for every skin and hair type. Laser hair removal treatment works best on people who have dark hair and light skin. People with dark skin should avoid the treatment as the dark skin tends to absorb more heat and thus it gets burnt or damaged. People with red, purple, grey, blonde or any other hair color should not go for the treatment. If you have any kind of skin problem like acne or dermatis, you are not the right candidate for the laser hair removal treatment.

Laser hair treatment gives the desired results most of the times. But few side effects are also associated with the laser treatment, if the treatment is done with wrong techniques by an unexperienced person. The most common is that the targeted area becomes red and sore. Swelling can be seen, which remains there from few minutes to few hours. In worst cases, darkening or lightening of the skin, in other words, discoloration can occur. Scarring can also take place, though it is very rare.

How Cure sweaty palms work?

Have you heard of anyone who likes to sweat? No wonder you haven’t! Sweating can be very unpleasant and irritating, especially if it is their feet. Lots of sufferers are always looking for a cure to this common problem. This particularly unpleasant condition is given the name Planter Hyperhidrosis by medical specialists. To add onto the sufferings, cure sweaty palms can combine itself with sweaty hands and underarms. If you are thinking about your shoes getting ruined due to this problem, let me tell you another problem. Fungal infections around your fingers are very common if you are affected with uncontrollable sweat. Even though this condition is mostly common in teenager, it can affect male and female of all ages.

Don’t be getting into the disbelief that this condition is cureless. A good number of cure sweaty palms are available to treat the problem. First of all an old cure always seems to work. To improve your sweat feet or palm use the trick of soaking your cure sweaty palm in tea. Not only this is a fairly easy procedure, but also it will be proved good for your budget. Another good solution is to buy your shoes sensibly. Leather shoes have been proven very effective to lessen the effect of sweat problems. This will improve your sweaty fit- try it!

If you are still very conscious about having cure sweaty palms, it’s never too late to contact your doctor. Medical science has invented many cures to this problem. A good example is Lumber Sympathectomy. It is a surgery done to reduce the effects of sweaty feet. Before taking any medication, you are advised to visit your doctor first. They will have many options handy for you. Sweaty feet is no longer a sever problem and you can get rig of it by following few simple rules.

As another effective solution, let me mention acupuncture. This has provided good result for many sufferers with cure sweaty palms. In this therapy thin needles will penetrate your skin either electrically or by your therapists. This treatment can be very accurate for you if it is done by a qualified practitioner. But if you don’t like the complicated procedure, you can always turn onto the common foot powders, which will also reduce your problems. Your choice depends totally on your comfort. So be yourself and be free from sweats.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Shopping Online for Products on Personal Health Care

Just Say No: Healthy Eating and Peer Pressure

If you are on a diet or simply enjoying a healthy lifestyle, than you probably know that peer pressure to eat foods that are not good for you is a major part of your life. If you are worried about the food that goes into your mouth, don’t worry—there are ways to overcome peer pressure. It simply takes a little know-how to get people off your back!

Parties are a major source of peer pressure, especially with alcohol. However, remember that alcohol contains hundreds of empties calories in just one drink. When you go to a part, people might be pressuring you to have a drink and relax, and it can be difficult to say no when they are constantly trying to convince you. Instead, offer to drive to a bar instead. This way, you re the designated driver, so people won’t want you to drink and, in fact, they will probably be purchasing you waters and maybe even helping to pay for your gas. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

Another time when you may feel pressured to eat is at work when the boss orders lunch for everyone at a meeting or when you have to visit a client. Instead of giving in to temptation, simply politely decline the food by letting your boss know in advance or order a meal that is healthy and split the portion in half so you have a meal for tomorrow’s lunch as well.

Baby showers, weddings, birthday parties, and other special events can also wreak havoc on your diet, even if you are good at resisting temptation on your own. When someone hands you a piece of cake and won’t take no for an answer, it can be difficult to know what to say! Here, little white lies might be appropriate. For instance, saying that your stomach was upset earlier in the day will convince a person that you don’t want to eat at the moment or pretending to have a chocolate allergy will get people to allow you to enjoy the party without a hassle surrounding food.

Remember, however, that while refusing bad foods is fine, you should be eating good foods. If you do not, dangerous eating habits and disorders can develop, which will give you, your friends, and your doctor a real reason to worry. It’s ok to say no to peer pressure, but don’t say no to food in general!