Monday, March 8, 2010

10 Facts About Blood Donation

10 simple facts about blood donation to encourage more donors.

Blood donation has become an important part of health care programmes around the world. Blood donations are used in standard operations as well as life-saving emergencies, in cancer research, transplant operations and full transfusions for those who suffer from organ diseases. Here are 10 facts about blood donation:

1) What is a blood donation? A donation takes about 10 minutes, with a few forms and questions to answer before donating the whole process takes only an hour out of your time. You will donate about a pint of blood at each visit, this consists of whole blood which contains platelets. Platelets circulate in the blood and help the blood clotting process. The blood you donate can only be kept for a few days and is usually in use within 24 to 48 hours of your donation.

2) How many US donors are there? Less than 40% of the US population is eligible to donate, however, out of those who are eligible, less than 10% donate!! So in the answer to the question – not enough!

3) What are blood groups? Blood is differentiated into groups and into positive and negative Rhesus factors. The groups are: A, B, AB and O, these can be Rhesus negative or Rhesus positive, with group O being the most common donor group. Blood groups are identified by the antigens and antibodies present in the blood. Antigens are usually protein molecules found on the surface of red blood cells. Antibodies are found in the plasma. They are the blood’s natural defence against any foreign antigens.

The ABO system

Blood group A has A antigens in its red blood cells and anti-B antibodies in its plasma.
Group B has B antigens and anti-A antibodies in its plasma.
Group O blood has no antigens but both anti-A and anti-B antibodies. It is the most common blood group.
Group AB has both A and B antigens but no antibodies, as it would destroy itself.
The Rhesus system
The red blood cells sometimes have another antigen, a protein called the Rhesus factor. If this antigen is present, your blood group is Rhesus positive. If it is absent, you are Rhesus negative. This means that you can be one of eight blood groups:

A RhD positive (A+),
A RhD negative (A-),
B RhD positive (B+),
B RhD negative (B-),
O RhD positive (O+),
O RhD negative (O-),
AB RhD positive (AB+),
AB RhD negative (AB-)
4) What are blood donations used for? Approximately 2.7 pints of blood is used for an average transfusion. Anemic patients need blood transfusions to increase their number of red blood cells, patients with sickle cell disease require numerous blood transfusions, children with cancer, premature infants and children having heart surgery all require blood transfusions during procedures as do mothers giving birth with complications. There is no substitute for human blood, therefore it is important for more people to donate a small amount of their time to something so important.

5) How does the body recover after giving a donation? You will be told to drink plenty of fluids after donating, your body will then be able to replace the fluid you have lost within hours. The red blood cells which contain iron will take about 4 weeks to replace, however, by eating iron-rich foods before and after the donation you can assist the process. Foods such as spinach, cereals, red meat (although this should be eaten in moderation) and dried apricots are all high in natural iron content, drinking orange or grapefruit juice or taking Vitamin C supplements with iron rich food will help your body absorb the iron more readily. As long as you are healthy and eat well there should be no adverse affects from the donation and your body will recover rapidly. A healthy adult should be able to donate 3 times a year without any problems.

6) Why don’t more people donate? People who don’t donate give various reasons; including not having enough time and ‘not having thought about it’. But just think, it could be you who needs that blood transfusion one day, even if it is from purely selfish motives, donating blood should be something you do at least once a year. Those who do donate do so from altruistic motives because they want to help others. Skip that movie to donate, you could go with your partner or friends to donate together.

7) Where does blood come from? Blood cells are made in the bone marrow. Red blood cells contain haemoglobin, a protein which contains iron. Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. White blood cells make up the defence system of the body and are carried around the body so that they can be transported to the site of infection. The bone marrow produces five different white cells which either attack bacteria or produce antibodies to attack infections. Platelets are also produced in the bone marrow, these help clot the blood to stop people bleeding to death. All three types of blood cell are carried around the body in plasma, a clear liquid made up of water and salts.

Do shortages of blood supply occur? Yes shortages occur during the major holidays during the summer and winter. There are two reasons for this: 1) People are busy with family and friends or travelling to see others and do not have the time to donate. 2) While more people are on the move, accidents are more likely to happen. Therefore donors are unavailable at the same time that more donations are needed. If you already donate, make sure to do so before you go away on holiday, if you don’t donate please try to make the holiday donation the one that is important.

9) Is there any other way to help blood centres than donating? – I don’t like needles! All blood donation services need support in other ways too. You can help by fund-raising, help to publicize events and donation drives, even speaking to your children about blood donation. What about getting your company involved? There is a lot of useful information available about blood donation centres and ways you can get involved without going near a needle.

10) Do donors get paid for their blood donation? NO. Donors do not get paid for donating their blood, this means that voluntary donations are safe for both donor and recipient. As a donor I am looked after very well and enjoy my squash drink and biscuit after making my donation. Staff are always courteous and hard-working. I see it as a privilege to be able to work with these people. By making blood priceless we are keeping it healthy for everybody.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

How to Stop Addictive Habits

This advice will help you to stop bad habits or habits you have been struggling to stop.

It is a fact that habits kills. This is one of area of human life acquired character that is very difficult to control and stop. Another basic truth about bad habit is that it is easy to acquire but very difficult to stop. In this article I will highlight five measures to stop addictive habits. Though it might seem uneasy at the first time but with practice you will stop it.

The measures highlighted in this article can work for all types of bad habits. And remember that one of the factors that will really help you to stop bad habit is for you to make up your mind. That is the only way that change can come.

Change of mind and willingness to stop

Like I said earlier, the first step is to make your mind that you actually want to leave the habit. There are some people that do no want to change from their bad habit or rather feel there is nothing bad about it. This set of people can not be helped.

See reason why you have to change

Until you have a reason to stop bad habit, you will not be able to do it. Just highlight some of the reason why you feel that your present habit is bad.

Know that you can not change unconsciously

You know that stopping habit is not easy, so you must take conscious effort to correct it. With time you will be able to do it unconsciously.

In summary, there are so many factors that may help to change from bad habit, but all these bothers on the factors started in this write up.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Top Five Fitness Trends for 2010

Here are the top five fitness trends for 2010 based on a survey done by the American College of Sports medicine among fitness professionals across the globe.

5. The stability ball bounces back
Take out that old stability ball from your closet. Throw it back into your regular workout routine to help you increase muscle strengths, tone core muscle groups and achieve better balance.

4. Pilates power
Pilates remains a favorite because it can be done without expensive equipment and can easily be learned and perfected after a few sessions. It trains the core muscles and improves flexibility and posture.

3. Personal trainers
More fitness enthusiasts will require the assistance of personal trainers who give professional suggestions and opinions regarding exercise programs.

2. Sport-specific training

Who says you can’t kick balls or shoot hoops during the off season? Athletes and sports enthusiasts engaging in their favorite sports in the off-season have an advantage because they build their strength and endurance.

1. Strength training

Weight lifting remains a top fitness trend for both men and women. However, its purpose is no longer limited to body sculpting or body building as more people have started to lift weights simply to increase and maintain strength as they get older.

13 Health Benefits of Lemon

Many people habitually love the tartly savor of lemon juice in their dishes. But have you ever wondered that you can put this lemon juice to lots of more superior uses than this? Yes! There are massive benefits of lemon juice and water in our daily life. You just need to arm yourself with significant facts and you would quickly start valuing this combination more than ever.

Many people habitually love the tartly savor of lemon juice in their dishes. But have you ever wondered that you can put this lemon juice to lots of more superior uses than this? Yes! There are massive benefits of lemon juice and water in our daily life. You just need to arm yourself with significant facts and you would quickly start valuing this combination more than ever.

Lemon is an economical, easily accessible citrus fruit, popular for its culinary and medicinal uses. It is used to prepare a range of food recipes such as lemon cakes, lemon chicken and beverages like lemonade and lemon-flavored drinks. It is also used for garnishing. Lemon juice consists of about 5% citric acid that gives a tartly savor to lemon. Lemon is a wealthy basis of vitamin C.
There are thirteen health benefits of Lemon are as follows:

Ø Good for stomach

Ø Acts as a blood purifier

Ø Good for treating Rheumatism

Ø Assist in curing Respiratory Disorders

Ø Controls High Blood Pressure

Ø A teaspoon of lemon juice in half a glass of water relieves heartburn

Ø Good for Weight Loss

Ø Excellent for Skin Care

Ø Aids in Dental Care

Ø Cures Throat Infections

Ø Reduces Fever

Ø The diseases like cholera or malaria can be treated with lemon water as it can act as a blood purifier

Ø In cases of hemorrhage, lemon juice diluted in water and taken as cold as possible will stop it

Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Few Natural Antibiotics

In today’s modern society more and more people are becoming aware of the antibiotic properties associated with raw, crushed garlic cloves. These popular ingredients when placed in a spoonful of native honey do a fair job of fighting off various illnesses. This combination may perhaps burn your stomach as it goes down but it is just about guaranteed to provide positive results.

A Few Natural Antibiotics

By Joseph Parish

In today’s modern society more and more people are becoming aware of the antibiotic properties associated with raw, crushed garlic cloves. These popular ingredients when placed in a spoonful of native honey do a fair job of fighting off various illnesses. This combination may perhaps burn your stomach as it goes down but it is just about guaranteed to provide positive results.

Garlic has been known to be effective against bacteria, funguses, microbes, parasites, and viruses. As a survivalist, I would highly recommend that everyone maintain a small supply of garlic growing in their gardens at all times.

Additional healing products include vitamin’s C, D, Olive leaf, Oregano, and Zinc. I recommend that you obtain a good textbook on home remedies to use as a quick reference guide and be sure to study the book well. The best way to actually study these plants is to select them one at a time and learn all you can about that particular plant.

As you become familiar with the various medicinal plants you will discover many different healing herbs that are not only easy to find but also simple to grow. If you have the space to do so by all means plant some healing herbs in your backyard.

Climate permitting you may wish to read up on plantain. This item grows just about everywhere as a common “weed” and has proven to be a superb skin healer. To see its effect yourself, try rubbing some crushed leaves on the next sting or bug bite that you receive. I personally like the thought of learning all I can about various natural healers as it tends to make me much less dependent upon the both the pharmacies and the doctors.

Another great choice in antibiotics is colloidal silver. I choose to make my own at home since I would then know exactly how it is made. The major problem associated with CS is the lack of proper filtering after it is made. By making the CS myself I feel more confident about the product then if I merely purchased it at a local heath food store. I use a home made colloidal silver generator and it has been successful in killing bacteria and viruses. When using one of these generators make certain that you use as pure of silver probes as you can obtain. They should be at least 99.999 % pure silver.

As you review your above mentioned reference guide you will no doubt come up with other useful herbs and plants to use in your battle against germs and bacteria. You will also want to avoid chemically laden “food” while alternately choosing the more natural products for consumption.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Andrew Flintoff is Dead – Andrew Flintoff Died In Car Accident

Till now no official news has comfirmed that Andrew Flintoff Died In Car Accident.Andrew Flintoff dead is hot search on net. There is wide spread rumour that England all rounder is dead. Andrew Flintoff death news is rumour and is playing for England cricket team. Recently he has expressed his desire to end his cricket career to spend more time with the family.
that's a really sad news as a cricket fan & my believe is he was the second best all rounder after J. Kallis , RIP......Andrew Flintoff :|

Treat Osteoarthritis with Seaweed?

A new supplement for joint health could provide osteoarthritis sufferers with a natural treatment option. Find out how help for the pain of osteoarthritis could come from the sea.

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common conditions that goes along with the aging process – so common that it affects almost every person over the age of sixty to some degree. The symptoms can be relatively mild with only a little joint stiffness upon awakening – to debilitating pain that interferes with every activity. When confronted with the pain of osteoarthritis, most people reach for a prescription or non-prescription anti-inflammatory, but these drugs have side effects – including an increased risk of heart disease and kidney problems. Now, a better treatment for joint health that’s all natural may be on the horizon – and it comes from the ocean.

Seaweed for Joint Health?
Researchers in Australia have discovered that an extract made from three different seaweeds combined with vitamins and minerals reduced the pain of osteoarthritis when given to twelve osteoarthritis sufferers for three months. The participants who took this natural formulation experienced greater ability to move with less pain and stiffness. Improvement in their osteoarthritis symptoms occurred in as little as a week and they experienced no significant serious side effects while on the supplement.

Other Natural Treatments for the Pain of Osteoarthritis
A variety of supplements have been marketed for joint health with varying degrees of effectiveness. The most popular natural treatment for osteoarthritis is glucosamine combined with chondroitin sulfate. Although some people experience improvement with this combination, studies looking at its effects have been mixed with the most recent larger studies calling into question its benefit. Nevertheless, some studies show that glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate supplements can ease the pain of osteoarthritis, so many doctors still prescribe it.

The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oils have also been proposed as a possible supplement for joint health due to their anti-inflammatory properties. Because they reduce inflammation, they may not only help with pain but reduce joint destruction as well. A combination of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate combined with omega-3 fatty acids may improve joint health in some people – although it may take several months to see results.

Seaweed for the Pain of Osteoarthritis: The Bottom Line?
Hopefully, this seaweed/vitamin/mineral combination will hold up to further testing and give those osteoarthritis sufferers who don’t respond to glucosamine and omega-3’s a natural treatment alternative. Until then, regular aerobic exercise, resistance training, and a healthy diet all benefit joint health. Talk to your doctor about whether these treatments are right for you.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Learn Self Hypnosis

A good hypnotist will constantly educate the client to do self hypnosis, permitting the client to carry on their therapy at their own pace. The lone boundary is the thoughts! There are techniques that a good practitioner should teach anyone who wanted to learn self hypnosis.

In fact, what affects hypnosis, self-hypnosis in simple words. A Hypnotherapist is only a guide for a trip. Every day is a dream, then anyone who was under hypnosis at some time had in his life. A good hypnotist will continue to educate the customer to do self-hypnosis, which can take the customer through the process at their own pace. The only limit is your opinion! There are techniques that should be a good doctor, all those who learn self-hypnosis to teach, he wanted.

Have you ever said, with both feet to keep your thoughts to something else that attempted to mesh? Was that your spirit healing forces at work. We can imagine something, work, ringing phones, computers crash, the head of Appeal … and so on and so on … Image, or directly on a beautiful tropical island spirit by the hair, the sun heats the skin … The smell of the sea the wind blows

Now to see this quiet and peaceful area of your choice. Pay attention to the waves on the shore, seagulls in the air. During a walk on the beach, you can, in principle, to warm your feet. You can not make sense … Your opinion is clear.

In the distance you see a large hammock between two palm trees swaying lazily beautiful. You can go ahead and lie down and weigh the wind … The relaxation of floods in the body, mind and soul.

And there you are … hypnotized … was so difficult, right? At this stage, the Hypnotherapist giving constructive messages descended deep into the subconscious. Count to five to return here and now … and the sense of power is often large.

Thus, the healing power of hypnotherapy. Effortlessly and efficiently.

So what is the purpose of hypnosis?

Unlimited! The client is hypnosis effective treatment for common problems with weight loss, smoking and drug addiction, pain, sleep disorders, stress management, or fear of being found, and so on.

Neither doctors nor medicines, not disturbed psycho-babble. A one hour session with Hypnotherapist and continues to practice self-hypnosis at home, at their own pace, skill and your imagination is all you need. There are also books and online courses available today to facilitate the practical implementation of self-hypnosis.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

How to Hypnotize someone

How to Hypnotize someone

In order to learn how to hypnotize someone you have to understand how to hypnotize yourself first and this is what we are going to talk about today. People that claim that can induce into different trance sessions others are lying if they can’t handle their own life and do it decently without any hassle. The biggest secret being hypnosis is using self programming NLP to make and convince yourself do things that you don’t always understand are really necessary to achieve or take steps forward in your daily life. A lot of people are asking themselves: “how to hypnotize myself” but only a few know, realize and understand the real steps that might help them achieve that special state of mind where everything is real and possible. Your consciousness knows and feels it all but is unable to determine the body and send ideas to the mind if you are not prepared.

Hypnotizing yourself, or myself – as most of you people say, first of all means controlling your feelings and your emotional state, because if you are able to win your weakness in serious moments and unpleasant situations in life it basically means that you are ready to face everything else that comes across you no matter what happens. This is the real power of NLP hypnosis and this is that secret that people have been hiding from each other for centuries. However, it’s not the access to information that we are lacking these days – it’s the approach, attitude and the way to gather that experience and make that commitment that is going to keep on turned on and willing to find out everything you want in such cases. It is not necessary to be a wonder kid to be able to see things related to hypnosis, hypnotherapy and self programming. You just have to open your mind and be ready to learn new things.

Hypnosis, especially the NLP branch of it is a special art that has been used by humans for centuries and only a few of them really understand the true meaning of helping yourself by helping others overcome addictions, change their attitude, achieve happiness and aim to that big positive success in the life of each and everyone of us. Unfortunately, we live a truly busy life that doesn’t offer enough free time for us to make it and learn mind programming techniques that can be used to gain more confidence, to become more powerful, to be more sure on things you do and so forth and so on. That is why there are people that have established different hypnosis schools and dedicated their life to the study of various hypnosis scripts that can help others achieve things that most of us think are impossible. NLP is the hypnosis art that is used in most of the domains that we deal with in our life. Let it even be mass hypnosis. By, we individual mortals often do not have access to this kind of knowledge and are doomed to live in the rat race that society offers us from all possible ways. Those who want to be able to hypnotize themselves might be interesting in how to become psychic.

Today, we would like to share with you the unique opportunity to hypnotize yourself (myself) and learn the secret of dominating your weakness, of settling goals and working towards them till you have success, of making it till the end, of being happy, of self programming and of many other things that people usually have no idea about. As we mentioned above, besides knowledge it is all about experience and today we need to reveal and say that if you are willing to search and to find that kind of informational resource to learn from you are a happy person. Most of us use NLP self programming and hypnosis techniques in real life without even realizing it and for sure apply it to their own benefit. However, knowing how to do it and actually doing it and being conscious about it is something special and if you want to hit that road you need to know how it is done. We invite you to that route of special knowledge that is truly going to offer you the necessary data about knowing “how to hypnotize myself” (as people say).

Saturday, February 20, 2010

What is The Facts About Alcohol Addiction

According to numerous online sources, the most common substance of abuse resulting in dependence in patients presenting for treatment is alcohol.

According to numerous online sources, the most common substance of abuse resulting in dependence in patients presenting for treatment is alcohol.If you are suffering from an alcohol addiction, you are not alone. Alcoholism is a word that sometimes has negative social connotations, and just because a person drinks alcohol does not mean that they are an alcoholic. The amount of alcohol consumed varies greatly from person to person that develops alcoholism, and is also affected by genetic predisposition, and social and emotional health. Alcohol by definition is a disease that results from a persistent use of alcohol despite negative personal, emotional, financial, and professional consequences. Heavy alcohol use accompanied by dependence and symptoms of withdrawal, and the inability to recognize that every bad thing has been related to an alcohol addiction. The sometimes uncontrollable urge to drink leads to constant preoccupation with the drug.

Overcoming an addiction to anything can be difficult, but there is help and hope available to people who want to stop drinking and get their lives back on track. The mind is more powerful than any drug, and to discover this is to truly be on the road to recovery. Addicts have to make a conscious choice to get and stay sober, one day at a time, and learn how to control the cravings. It’s not something that can be done alone, which is why there are treatment facilities all over the country, most of which are privately owned substance abuse recovery centers. The philosophy of AA or Alcoholics Anonymous has proven to be helpful to many alcoholics in their fight against alcohol addiction, and the program is often used as an adjunct treatment with other therapies, such as in an inpatient setting. AA also encourages communication with a sponsor to help guide the addict through the recovery process, and provide support while working through the program.

Learn more about effects of alcohol as well as alcohol facts and the truth about alcohol addiction. Some online literature discusses at length what drives alcohol addiction, detailing the effects of alcohol and describes some of the research being done to correct drinking problems. Alcohol continues to be the most greatly abused substance despite the wide-spread negative consequences. Even after public outbursts, divorce, loss of employment, revocation of driving privileges, and loss of life and limb, alcoholics continue to drink because it is so highly addicted in people who are predisposed to this disease. If you or someone you know is giving part of their life to alcohol, encourage them to get help. It may take a series of bad events to get the point across, and for many alcoholics, this is what it takes to see their illness in a different light

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Some basic information about the disease.
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Chickepox (or Varicella) is an infectious disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, resulting in an itchy, blister-like rash, and in fatigue and fever. It spreads from person to person by direct contct or through the air (via coughing or sneezing). It takes from 10 to 21 days after contact for someone to develop chickenpox.
Once infected, a person is considered contagious one to two days before the rash appears and entail all blisters have formed scab. Fo most people, one infection gives lifelong immunity, but there have been cases of individuals getting chickenpox more than once.
The illness commonly lasts about 5 to 10 days with about half of patients having high fever, severe itching, dehydration, or headache. Although uncommon, complications may arise; more prone are infants, adolescents, and adults with weak immunity systems. Call the doctor if:
Fever lasts longer than four days or rises above 39ºC
rash becomes very red, warm, tender, or leaks pus
Child appears extremely ill, is diff cult to wake up or is confused, has difficulty walking, has a stiff neck, vomits repeatedly.
Child has difficulty breather or has a severe cough.
Scratching the blisters may cause them to become infected, so keep fingernails trimmerd short. Calamine lotion and oatmeal baths may help relieve some of the itching. Do not use aspirin or aspirin-containing products to relieve your child’s fever.
If your child has never had chickenpox and has been exposed to classmates with chickenpox, theillness can be prevented or modified by vaccination with Varicella Zoster Immune Globulin (VZIG) as soon as possible, but not later than 96 hours after exposure. However, it is costly and only provides temporay protection. It may also cause side efects, including a milk fever two weeks after vacination.
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Who should be vaccinated?
All children below 12 months and 13 years old should have one dose. Children who have had chickenpox do not need the vaccine. People 13 and older who have not had chickenpox should get two doses of the vaccine four to eight weeks apart. However, not everyone should receive the vaccine.
those with serious allergic reaactions to chickenpox vaccine, neomycin, or gelatin.
newborns whose mother had chickenpox three days prior to delivery.
children with leukemia or lymphoma who have not been vaccinated.
Persons with immune problems, and persons receiving drugs, including steroids, that suppress the immune system
Help keep the pox at bay by strengthening your child’s immune system with a healthy and balanced diet that contains five to nine servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables a day. Nutritional supplements will help, especially if your child is a picky eater.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Amazing Health Benefits of Rhubarb

A new study shows that rhubarb has some little known health benefits. Discover what they are.
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Rhubarb may not be the most popular vegetable on the produce stand, but it still makes a pretty tasty jam. Rhubarb lovers, take heart. This underappreciated vegetable may soon be getting the respect it deserves if the results of a new study hold true. According to new research published in the journal Food Chemistry, rhubarb could be important in the fight against cancer.
The Health Benefits of Rhubarb: Does It Ward Off Cancer?
Researchers have discovered that British rhubarb has natural chemicals called polyphenols that may help destroy cancer cells. To best harness the effects of the cancer blasting polyphenols in this veggie, rhubarb needs to be exposed to heat – by baking it in the oven. Researchers are hoping that the polyphenols found in British rhubarb can be used to create new anti-cancer drugs that will work when cancer cells become resistant to commonly used cancer chemotherapy drugs.
Health Benefits of Rhubarb is Enhanced by Baking It
Most people think that eating vegetables raw is better for you. Not so in this case. The anti-cancer benefits of British rhubarb are enhanced by baking it in the oven for twenty minutes. Researchers are hoping the polyphenols in baked British rhubarb are powerful enough to stop the growth of leukemia cells so that new drugs can be developed in the fight against this deadly form of cancer.
Other Health Benefits of Rhubarb: It’s Nature’s Laxative
Chinese medicine doctors have prescribed rhubarb for their patients who are constipated for many years. Rhubarb is a good source of compounds called anthraquinones that have natural laxative properties. Rhubarb is even available in an extract and as a capsule at many health food stores to be taken as a laxative.
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Good for the Heart?
Another health benefit of rhubarb? It helps to lower cholesterol levels by inhibiting certain enzymes involved in cholesterol synthesis. Animal studies and small human studies have both shown this to be true.
Is Rhubarb Safe?
Some people have heard that rhubarb is poisonous. This is true – but only the leaves – not the stalks. Taking rhubarb extract as a laxative or for lowering cholesterol levels does have some side effects. Rhubarb extract can interact with certain medications – particularly heart and blood pressure medications. Rhubarb is also high in oxalates which can increase the risk of kidney stones in people who are susceptible to them.
Health Benefits of Rhubarb: The Bottom Line
British rhubarb and the natural compounds it contains may one day help in the battle against cancer. In the meantime, rhubarb is not only a good laxative, but may help to lower cholesterol levels as well. Add a little baked rhubarb to your diet if you don’t have kidney stones, but hold off on taking rhubarb extract unless you get the okay from your doctor.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

How to cure Burns

Damage caused to the skin as a result of heat, electricity or chemical substances is known as burns. Burns are generally not serious. Various herbal ointments and components of vitamins and minerals could help cure burns. Burns generally cause in home due to our carelessness. They are classified into three kinds namely first, second and third degree burns. First degree burns damage the outer skin alone and these are caused due to exposure to sun, second degree burns affect the underlying layer of the skin causing further damage. Third degree burns is a serious condition where the skins, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and in extreme cases even the bones get damaged. This requires emergency medication and it requires a treatment called skin grafting to aid recovery and minimize scarring.
Burns are mainly caused due to exposure to sun, coming into contact with hot oil, hot food stuffs, certain chemical substances etc.,
Serious cases are the result of fire, hazardous chemical substances and steam.
Other form of burns where the skin damage is minimal but they cause internal injuries is due to electrical burns, which are caused due to coming into contact with faulty or uninsulated wires.
No blisters but very serious swelling.
There won’t be any pain, as the nerves may be damaged.
Charred skin.
In certain cases red or white skin.
Aloe vera gel – Apply to the affected skin as required.
Calendula – Apply cream to the burns. Cream must contain 2% calendula. Do not use if you are allergic to daisy flowers.
Gotu kola – 200mg extract or 400-500mg crude herb twice a day. Extract must contain 10% asiaticosides.
Vitamin A – 50 000 IU a day with food for not more than 10 days. It is advised to take 30mg zinc along with the dose per day. If pregnant or considering pregnancy, only 2500 IU of vitamin A must be consumed a day.
Vitamin C – 1000mg 3 times a day till the burns get healed. Reduce the dosage if diarrhoea develops.
Vitamin E – 500 IU a day with food until burns get healed. It actually prevents scarring.
Zinc – 30 mg a day. Researches say that more than 150mg zinc should not be consumed by humans per day.
Chamomile – It is an herb which must be mixed with tea under hot condition and the tea soaked cloth must be applied to the burn for about 15 minutes.
Echinacea – 200mg 3 times a day. It must be standardised contain 3.5% echinacosides.
Avoid bathing in hot water if you have burns.
Drink a lot of water while your skin is healing.
Clean the burns with water gently without breaking blisters if any.
It is advised to use sterile gauze dressings to keep burn dry and as a protection against dirt and bacteria.
In olden days it is believed that people use butter to cure burns, but don’t use it because butter has a tendency to trap the heat, thus slowing down the healing process resulting in further infection.How to cure Burns5.051

Sexual Urges of Children during Adolescence

The pituitary gland, the ovaries and the testicles begin to secrete larger quantities of the sex hormones and thus bring on the changes seen in adolescents. Both boys and girls tend to develop pimples and blackheads during this period. This condition is called acne. Special diet, special methods of keeping the face clean and medications prove helpful.
Sexual curiosity is part of that desire to learn more about the opposite sex and does not necessarily lead to complete sexual relations. During this period, sexual curiosity should be controlled gently, and children should be directed so that their curiosity does not result in harmful pursuits

Types of Deliveries

Once the pregnancy has not established, the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone continue but there is no shedding- the menstruation stops and a woman is said to have conceived. The fertilized ovum gradually grows into the fetus and it takes about 266 days for a fertilized egg to grow into a fully developed baby.
Normal Vaginal Delivery:
It is aided with a small cut of the vaginal outlet sometimes, the process is known as Episiotomy. Episiotomy is done to help quicker delivery and undue downward pressure on uterus and adjoining parts like bladder and rectum.
Suction Delivery:
It is a process in which suction is applied to the low descending head of the baby to hasten deliver. It is also called vacuum method of delivery and helps the mother to deliver quickly. Anesthesia is not required in most of the cases.
Forceps Delivery:
In this type the baby’s head is helped out with the use of forceps e.g. a large pair of tongs, which grasp the baby’s head for applying a downward pull. Mild anesthesia is given to the mother to avoid excessive pain.
Tubal delivery:
It is a rare complication in which the fertilized ovum or embryo becomes blocked in its passage through the fallopian tube. There the embryo continues to grow as it normally would within the uterus. However, the space between the tubes is too small to allow expansion that may rupture, causing a serious hemorrhage and also intense pain in the pelvis. This may also result acute appendicitis. Consult a doctor for necessary surgery as soon as a tubal pregnancy is suspected before the occurrence of hemorrhage.
Induced Delivery:
In this connection, labor is brought on or induced artificially by rupturing the membranes and letting out a little amniotic fluid, which stimulates labor pains. When the pains are too feeble or the delivery is overdue, labor is induced by administrating medicines, which contract the uterus.
Premature Delivery:
The termination of pregnancy after the fetus has become viable such as capable of living independently is called premature birth. And if the fetus is born dead, it is still-birth. Causes which produce abortions can endanger the growth of the fetus resulting in still birth or a premature delivery. Premature delivery is usually the problem with the placenta, the faulty blood supply to the fetus, defective hormone production and effect of injurious toxins and chemicals through the blood to the fetus.
Causes of Premature Delivery:
Obliquity of the uterus.
Uterus subseptus.
Premature fetus.
Dead, macerated and flaccid fetus.
Placenta praevia.
Pelvic tumor.
Breech Delivery:
Most babies are born in head-first position instead of feel-first or shoulder first. If the birth canal is adequate and the baby is small, there may not be any serious difficulty because of breech position. If the baby is bulky and the birth outlet small, this could be dangerous to both mother and the baby. Avoid traveling or bulky jerks during the last few days

Treatment for Bee Stings

Most of the people don’t remove the stinger immedialtely after the bee sting and thats a big mistake.
Take a plastic card such as credit card or driving license. Stinger can be removed by scraping the skin with the card edges.
Make a paste of baking soada, honey and papaya. Just crush the papaya amd mix all these. Dont make it too liquid. Ity should have some consistency so that you can apply over the affected area.
When you get sting from a bee immediately apply this paste over the inflammation area so that the poison wont spread further in the body. This treatment can be done 3 or 4 times so that you will get relief. If the pain is too intense then you can consult a doctor.
Generally if you are allergic to bees make use of EpiPen. It is always better to carry it when you are in travel.
Often clean your skin four or five times

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Grey Hairs at Young Age?

Some people have some issues with their hair. Although they are young but their hair had already started to become grey. How can this happen?
1) Genetic factorsA difficult factor to avoid. If a mother or father suffered grey hairs at young age, then the possibility for their children to get grey hairs is higher.
2) Lack of vitaminsHair hairs can be caused by lack of vitamin B and iron. People who suffered from anemia often get this kind of hair.
3) Lack of nutritious foodProtein is essential for the production of enzymes that form the pigment. If someone got not enough protein, grey hairs will start more quickly.
4) LifestyleStay away from cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke can increase the free radicals in the body not only to smokers but also those around them.
5) Inappropriate treatment People who like to change the colour of their hair may be exposed to these symptoms. Chemicals in hair dyes may not be good for the head skin.
6) Effects of radiationThose who got cancer tend to be more exposed to having grey hair than other people at their age.

Tips and Tricks Eliminate Eye Bags

Is worthed to try…believe me…
Use make-up for every woman is able to look pretty, especially the eye area, but if you like puffy eyes out crying or fatigue will cause eye puffiness around your eyes. Creating the appearance of your eyes near the ugly and unattractive. And reduce the beauty and the beauty of the area around the eyes. Although hidden behind thick-paced cosmetics but reduce its beauty. Eye puffiness occurs less healthy reefs or less breaks and a lot of late nights and looked haggard and old. Try to take care about your eyes dngan few minutes so your eyes look beautiful and attractive with these tips:
1. By giving the eye cream at night before bed. By way of blood ran out of eyes circumstances. But before these eye cream store in the refrigerator let cool and fresh
2. Perbanyaklah drinking water when you work overtime, too, because the water is very good for maintaining freshness of the skin, including the skin around the eyes.
3. Rest when your eyes are starting to feel tired and do not force your eyes to keep working, because it is not good for the eyes and skin around the eyes.
4. If you again try to rest during the day by cutting up cucumbers or tomatoes lightly but earlier entries in the refrigerator when it’s cold Lay your eyes on dipejamkanlakukan conditions in a few minutes.
5. Or you can menkompres your eyes on the rocks, in benberapa minutes if your eyes feel tired and exhausted. So that your eye area wrinkles and bags are not as swollen eyes.

10 Health Benefits of Oatmeal

Let oatmeal increase your health one bowl at a time. But stay away from those flavored oatmeals because they are usually full of lots of sugar.
Lower blood cholesterol: Oatmeal contains a soluble fiber known as betaglucan, and betaglucan helps to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood stream. The way this works is the oatmeal sort of gathers the bad cholesterol to itself while traveling through the body, then takes the bad cholesterol with it as it exits. Just a bowl of oatmeal a day can help your body.
Losing weight: That fiber in oatmeal also helps with weight loss. The oatmeal makes your stomach feel full, and the oatmeal itself normally only has about 150 calories per half cup. And, of course, the extra fiber intake allows your body to more easily pass along food.
Energy: Oatmeal has a good number of carbohydrates, and while in some circles carbs have become a dirty word for those who are dieting, you body needs carbs to keep up its energy levels. That’s where oatmeal can come in handy. Low fat and relatively low calorie, a single bowl of oatmeal can help to boost your energy levels (very important in the morning) while not loading your body with fat. Just don’t over do it and eat nothing but tons of oatmeal, because those carbs will add body weight eventually.
Fighting cancer: Oatmeal is no cure for cancer, because a cure has yet to be discovered, but oatmeal does contain plenty of insoluble fiber which helps the body to fight against bile acids, and their toxicity, which helps to lower the risks of cancer. At least according to the American Cancer Society.
Memory: Oatmeal has plenty of vitamin B, which is important for the brain and nervous system to function properly. Help keep your mental faculties alert and active by having a little oatmeal each day.
Dry skin: Have dry, itchy skin? Applying an oatmeal pack or mask can help. The natural, lubricating fats in oats allow oatmeal to be a great moisturizer and can leave a thin layer of protection on the skin. How to make an oatmeal mask? Ground up some oatmeal in a coffee grinder until it’s quite fine. Mix in a bowl with warm water and honey, then let that sit for five minutes. Wash your face, and while it’s still slightly damp, rub your oatmeal mixture onto your skin. Leave it on for ten minutes, then wash off with water. Easy!
Acne: Since oatmeal is good for dry skin, it’s also good for acne and cleaning the skin. Cook up some oatmeal, let it cool, then apply and let it sit for about ten minutes. It’s really that simple. And oatmeal and a little water are much cheaper than many of the face cleansers on the market.
Neurodermatitis: In case you don’t know, neurodermatitis is a skin disease that can leave one with itchy, sometimes inflamed skin. Oatmeal baths are supposed to be good for relief of neurodermatitis, which makes sense because oatmeal is good for dry skin. But don’t just take my word for it. Ask your doctor. And no, oatmeal baths aren’t just a giant bowl of oatmeal; it’s a regular bath with a bag of oatmeal dumped into it. Again, ask your doctor for advice and directions.
Hair: Yep, oatmeal is good for the hair. Don’t believe me? Mix up some oatmeal, then apply it to your hair while in the shower. Rub it in just as you would a shampoo, then let it sit for a minute or so. Wash it out completely, dry your hair, and then feel your hair. I’d bet your hair will feel soft and strong, and it’ll be clean, too. Lots of shampoos have oatmeal in them.
Colon cleaner: Ooo, gross! But cleaning the colon helps the body in many ways, including reducing the risk of cancer. Remember all that high fiber content in oatmeal? Well, it’s also good for helping to keep the colon clean by forcing along food particles out of the system. I know, you don’t like thinking about it too much, but it can improve your health.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Prevent Multiple Sclerosis with Milk?

There may be a way for pregnant moms to reduce the risk of their newborn baby getting multiple sclerosis later in life. Find out how.
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Does multiple sclerosis prevention begin in the womb? According to a new study to be presented at the American Academy of Neurology meeting next month, what a mother drinks during pregnancy may affect an unborn baby’s multiple sclerosis risk as an adult – another example of how early exposures can affect a growing baby later on in life.
Multiple Sclerosis Risk: What is Multiple Sclerosis?
Multiple sclerosis is a progressive neurological disease where the body attacks its own myelin – the sheath that surrounds and protects nerve cells. It usually strikes younger people between the ages of twenty and forty and causes an array of disturbing and sometimes debilitating neurological symptoms such as numbness, weakness, visual disturbances, loss of balance. In some cases an individual with this disease end up confined to a wheelchair.
Does Milk Prevent Multiple Sclerosis?: What the Study Showed
In this study which involved 36,000 nurses, researchers looked at the eating habits of the nurse’s mothers when they were pregnant with them. A total of 199 nurses went on to develop multiple sclerosis over a sixteen year period. When the researchers looked at the eating habits of the mom’s of these women, they found that nurses whose mothers drank four glasses of milk per day during the time they were pregnant were 56 percent less likely to develop multiple sclerosis than those whose moms drank fewer than three glasses of milk a day.
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How Does Milk Prevent Multiple Sclerosis?
Why would drinking milk during pregnancy prevent multiple sclerosis in a growing fetus? Fortified milk is one of the few good food sources of vitamin D – a vitamin that’s associated with a lower risk of multiple sclerosis. Studies have shown that babies and children who are exposed to vitamin D early in life through sunlight and diet reduce their multiple sclerosis risk. This study takes it a step further and shows that multiple sclerosis prevention may start as early as in utero.
More Milk, Please.
The risk of multiple sclerosis is about one in 750 – with women being affected twice as often as men. There is a slight genetic predisposition to this disease, and when a person has a brother, sister, or parent with multiple sclerosis, the risk of multiple sclerosis can be as high as one in 100. Getting vitamin D from sunlight and from dietary sources such as fortified milk may be a safe and natural way to prevent multiple sclerosis in people at high risk for this disease. As this study suggests, the earlier the better.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Five Natural Solutions for Hemorrhoid Relief

Hemorrhoid Relief.

5 Natural Solutions for Hemorrhoid Relief

Hemorrhoids are extremely painful and can make your life pretty miserable, especially, during those peak flareups. If you suffer from the dreaded hemorrhoid, you are not alone. More than 75% of Americans, at one time ore another in their lifetime, share your pain. Most often, sufferers are between the ages of 45 and 65 and have been offended repeatedly.

Although hemorrhoids are notorious for causing severe pain, unbearable itching and extreme sensitivity around the anus, there is hope. Here are 5 simple and natural solutions for the average hemorrhoid sufferer.

Fiber ~ eating more fiber can be the single most important step in relieving and avoiding future breakouts. Enriching your diet with healthy fiber will lead to stool softening, which in turn, will lead to less stressful straining, the primary cause of hemorrhoids to begin with.

Witch Hazel ~ Potent and readily found in drugstores, witch hazel is an age-old remedy that will provide fast relief and should always only be applied topically. Pour a few tablespoons onto a gauze pad and place directly against the hemorrhoid. The light pressure will squelch the itching, soothe the pain and relieve the swelling.

The Warm Soak ~ Using a sitz bath of very warm water can provide a lasting, soothing solution. Warm baths used for at least 10 minutes at a time and as often as possible can shrink the hemorrhoids and keep them at bay which they heal. Note that you should never add oils or salts to the water as this will aggravate the situation.

Cold Ice Pack ~ The cold pack against the hemorrhoid can be a powerful healing agent. It will reduce the swelling almost immediately and instantly comfort you in your time of despair.

Aloe Vera Gel ~ Known for centuries as a magical plant, aloe Vera is a mild astringent that can provide much needed long lasting relief. A small dab directly placed on the swelling can expedite healing. An actual aloe Vera leaf can also be used directly on your anus for an even more potent solution.

Also, always remember that sitting on hard surfaces will exacerbate the situation and know that there are specially shaped cushions specifically made for the hemorrhoid sufferer. You can be find these lifesavers online and in most major drugstores. These cushions are a must-have for repeated sufferers.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

10 Health Benefits of Apples

Apple, one of the most common fruits in the American diet, is a host of health benefits to the human body. The old saying, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away," has a ring of truth to it.
Cancer: Apples can possibly help in the fight against cancer, at least by helping to lower your own risks of cancer. How? Apples contain quercetin, an anti-oxidant, that helps to prevent cell damage in the body that can lead to cancer. So having an apple a day can’t hurt.
Asthma: A couple of studies provide evidence that apples help to combat asthma and its symptoms. One study suggested that women who eat apples during pregnancy are less likely to have babies who suffer from asthma. Another study suggested that drinking apple juice at least a couple of times a month helped children with breathing problems brought about by asthma.
Constipation: Apples have lots of natural fiber, especially in their skins. This fiber helps with constipation problems by keeping the digestive tract running smooth.
Heart disease: Pectin is a soluble fiber found in apples, and pectin has been shown to help with a whole slew of problems that can bring about heart disease. Pectin builds up in the digestive tract, helping to lower cholesterol levels and decreasing the risks of heart attack and stroke.
Alzheimers: No, apples can’t cure Alzheimers, but one study has shown that the natural chemicals and vitams in apples help to protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimers, possibly even Parkinsons disease.
Teeth: Yes, apples are good for your teeth and gums. The natural acidic properties of apples help to keep the teeth clean and your breath smelling better. The sturdiness of apples also helps to strengthen teeth and gums, allowing for a brighter smile.
Skin: Apples are even good for your skin, fighting bad UV rays, keeping the skin clean and fresh and young looking. It’s the elastin and collagen in apples that are best for the skin, and the two types of apples with the most of these properties are Granny Smith and Red Delicious. Eating apples is good for the skin, but for a more direct approach you can make your own apple sauce or apple face mask at home and apply it to your skin. To do this, chop and smash apples into a sauce, then add some honey and oatmeal.
Sunburn: Since apples are good for the skin, it’s natural they also are good for dealing with the pains of sunburn. Smash some apple pulp, mix in just a little glycerine, then apply it to the skin for at least fifteen minutes. Wash away with cold water. This will help to sooth your burnt skin.
Blood sugar: This one is especially good to know for diabetics. If your blood sugar gets low and you’re starting to feel bad, grab an apple and start chomping. The natural sugars in apples help to regular blood sugar levels.
Weight loss: Apples taste good. And they’re made up of 80 percent water. What better treat for helping to lose weight? Apples also have plenty of fiber, are low in calories, and have next to no natural sodium or fat. You can’t beat that for a diet food!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How To Reduce Stress

Stress is a natural reaction of the body facing an unusual situation. Chronic stress can lead to several health problems and decrease our efficiency. Our body produces several hormones as a reaction to stress. One of these hormones is Cortisol, which is also known as stress hormone.

Cortisol is produced in our body to ease stressful situations; The level of cortisol is high during early morning and diminishes as the day progresses. During a period of prolonged stress, cortisol is likely to remain high. The presence of high level of cortisol for a prolonged duration can cause several health related issues.

Stress, including long duration of stress often leads to negative effects on the mental and physical well being . This deterioration is due to a significant concentration of cortisol in the body. This prolonged concentration can lead to serious problems like:

Mood swings

Trouble concentrating

Cardiovascular Diseases

Digestive problems

Skin problems

Memory loss

An imbalance between Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids may be a cause for stress. Our usual daily diet includes too high levels of omega 6 as opposed to very little omega 3. An excessive amount of Omega 6 can contribute to stress, inflammation of the body, which often leads to health problems like cardiovascular disorders. But it can also worsen already existing health problems. The ratio for omega 3 : omega6 works out to be 1:6 whereas an appropriate ratio between the two fatty acids should b between 1:1 to 1:5. It is advisable to maintain this balance to lower the stress levels.

The Eicosapentaenoic acid or EPA is a fatty acid of the linoleic series of poly-unsaturated fatty acids and belongs to the family of omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil and mother’s milk are rich sources of EPA. Studies have demonstrated that it impacts the embryonic growth and specifically the nervous system development in the embryo.

EPA thins the blood and improves circulation in the body. It is also known to promote the production of serotonin. Serotonin is known as the well being hormone. This acts as a stabilizer against cortical which is referred to as the stress hormone.

Many scientific studies related to stress prove that there exists a link between depression and low levels of omega-3 in the body. Thus we see that a low concentration of omega 3 or EPA is often accompanied by severe depressive symptoms like in bipolar disorders. Increasing the supplement of EPA can thus improve the mental health. Fish oil rich in EPA is known to reduce the effect of chronic stress.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Quit Smoking – Proper Motivation

Most people quit smoking for themselves. That’s not the proper motivation to quit successfully, I think.

Are you a smoker? Are you trying to quit? You did but failed, for a couple of times. Do you know why? I think not.

I’m not an expert at this but I’m 10 months successful now. Never read something or taken any advice from someone. I did it all by myself, my own ways.

When I first decided on quitting smoke, I thought of the first time that little stick of leaves touched my lips, its smoke in and out of my lungs. It’s been too long that those smokes are incurring damages to my lungs. “I won’t let that happen anymore”, I said to myself. Dying early is not an option. I love me!

For you and most people that want to quit would say that is a great idea. Do it for yourself. Live a healthy life. Of course that is great. You love yourself, sure. You’d like to do something for yourself and quitting is something that you like. But you also love smoking don’t you? That’s the reason you did it in the first place, you love smoking. So what, which of the two things that you like to do for yourself would you do? You can’t say “I love myself more” because there is no other person, it’s just you. It would be difficult for you to do 2 things that you like which are exactly opposite. It’s like wanting your right leg move forward and your left leg backward, you’ll sure stay stuck.

If you will weigh your options, it’s practically balanced, you against yourself. What you need is to bring in more weight on the positive side. That is what others will tell you to do, I think. Weighing things? What I will suggest is that it is better if you remove yourself from the option of motivation. This way there will be no weighing, no negative side, no backward, only forward.

But now, you’re out of motivation! The good thing here is there is no more negative. So let’s find the positive.

It’s human nature to be good, to help others, to do things for others. Sometimes we do things first for others before we do for ourselves. That is what you will do, help someone. Do the quitting for someone else, not for you. How? How would you quitting be helping someone? Think of this, the worst case here is you dying early if you continue to smoke. Who will suffer the most when that happens? He/she will be hurt so much you wish you will take his/her place. That person will be your motivation, your reason on quitting smoke.

That’s it, the proper motivation is not you but someone else.

Before you start on quitting, again, think of your motivation first. Do you have the proper one?

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Eye Care Tips

Most people will incident a little eye difficulty at one instance or another. Eyes can be drained, parched, bloodshot, contaminated or itchy to name a few conditions. Call or notice an eye concern expert for any of these troubles that last more than a day or two.

Most people will incident a little eye difficulty at one instance or another. Eyes can be drained, parched, bloodshot, contaminated or itchy to name a few conditions. Call or notice an eye concern expert for any of these troubles that last more than a day or two.

Serious Eye Problems

Detachment of the retina frequently occurs from suffering to the head. This means trauma is generally a blow to the head, or if you fall off you bike and bash your head, or even bash your head hard enough on somewhat at home. If you practice some unclear vision, see flashes of beam or any visualization loss after a blow to the head; get medicinal consideration as soon as possible. There is no ache with a disconnected retina; just light flashes, vision failure or alteration. A separated retina generally requires surgical reattachment; or else you can have everlasting spotlessness. This is frequently why expert boxers have to give up work. After the numerous blows they seize to the face and the head, they frequently have separated retinas and risk loss of sight if they carry on fighting after surgery.

Eye Care Tips

· Take vitamin A diet to build eyes brighter. (Fish, milk, cilantro, papaya, eggs, etc.)

· Rinse eyes with cold water to acquire sparkling eyes.

To fully relax the eyes and the neighboring muscles, close your eyes and assume of something that is enjoyable or comforting and at a distance. Now softly open your eyes and look into the distance. Do this enormously relaxing exercise six or five times a day.

· If your eye twitches, or your eyes are red and sense irritated, rub your scalp with curd.

For Puffy Eyes: Grate a potato with its shed and apply on your closed eyelids for about 20 minutes and calm down entirely. You may even get a doze.

· Cleanse your face before sleeping, and make sure that there is no make-up on your face before you naps, for the reason that, make-up creams may blemish your face as it will be there for the entire night. It is superior if no cream is applied.

· Put sliced cucumber above your eyes to treat shady circles.

Put potato slices on your eye to obtain free off those dark circles.

· Soak Alma during the night in water and make use of this water in the next morning to cleanse the eyes.

· Immerse cotton in lukewarm milk and coat eyes with it for 14 min.

· To calm tired eyes, plunge cotton pads in cooled milk and put on closed eyes for 11 minutes. Now calm down completely.

Loose Weight By Naturals Ways

As you probably know, the key to successful weight loss begins with aerobic exercises. Activities like running, running, walking on the treadmill, playing sports and this is preferable because a large number of calories burned. And therefore, because the body very quickly consumed energy resources of food, the body to "destroy" the fat tissue to make more energy, and therefore the phenomenon of fat loss will appear . The body feels the need to destroy the fatty tissue, because it must keep all expense, its vital functions.

Green Tea a quick way to lose weight.

As most people know, green tea is a powerful antioxidant. Also, besides being an enemy of the fat, green tea also helps the body cleanse. However, green tea is known for its ability to weight loss. Green tea causes the body temperature a bit higher than normal temperature, and therefore more calories are burned. And, due to the fact that green tea is a powerful antioxidant, free radicals destroy our body and muscles - usually the body can not lose fat only. Also destroy the muscles - will not be harmed at all.

Allied past, and perhaps most important in their struggle with fat, is definitely the amino acid L-carnitine. This amino acid is found mainly in cheese cow in the cabbage and carrot. What is special about this amino acid is the fact that fat tissue becomes pure energy, therefore, if someone is in the diet and level of resources is very low, which will help, because in those Currently, the Energy is vital for burning fat.

You see, it's easy to lose weight by natural methods. Even if you are having a little work and perhaps a lot of sweat, the results are remarkable. Do not be fooled belt wonder or wonder pills that Brad Pit is processed in the evenings. The natural methods are safer, cheaper and healthier.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tips That Helps in Maintaining Good Health

Health and Fitness has now developed into one of the most important concerns. Earlier humans used to hunt for their livelihood, due to which their body had to suffer a lot of physical exercise. This prepared life active and attentive. Now, life has turned into more straightforward and easy.

Health and Fitness has now developed into one of the most important concerns. Earlier humans used to hunt for their livelihood, due to which their body had to suffer a lot of physical exercise. This prepared life active and attentive. Now, life has turned into more straightforward and easy. Everything we require is just a telephone call away. This easy life has constrained humans to do that small piece of physical exercise which is necessary to maintain the body fit and healthy. We get immediate, spicy and selection of food which drop their nourishment during the process.

1. Eat vegetarian diet.

2. Put family first because time we spend with family is priceless.

3. Go for a walk. Our legs are destined to move us, so move.

4. Drink plenty of water daily. It’s been observe for centuries, it must be good.

5. Decrease and handle stress. Stress is dangerous for our health.

6. Have an intention when you wake up every morning.

7. Get outdoors.

8. be grateful.

9. Keep your nails cut small and clean them regularly.

10. Maintain a healthy body weight.

11. Learn new things.

12. Love and laugh

13. Snack on nuts

14. Chew your food well.

15. Eat a large breakfast.

16. Eat a medium lunch

17. Eat a small dinner

18. Sleep when it’s dark because we can’t see in the dark.

19. Get regular exercise.

20. Do possessions that you enjoy.

The Truth About Sunscreen and Spf

Summer is fast approaching and the best destination is the beach, but before you plan to get that perfect tan, be sure to use a sunscreen that protects you from both UVA and UVB rays of the sun.

There are so many sunscreen prodcts on the market, some expensive and some are cheap, but whether they are expensive or cheap, read the label and choose the one that can protect you from both UVB and UVA rays of the sun. In most sunscreen products, they only protect you from UVB rays that cause skin cancer. Protection from UVA rays is important too because these rays are the ones that causes premature aging of the skin, so UVB protection is not enough. Sunscreen manufacturers are now on a race on who can come up with the highest number of sun protection factor (SPF) in their product. Some came up with SPF 70+, 85, and 100+.

Image via Google Images

According to Dr. Barbara A. Gilchrest, a dermatology professor at Boston UniversitySchool of Medicine, “A sunscreen’s SPF, or sun protection factor, measures how much the product shields the sun’s shorter-wave ultraviolet B rays, known as UVB radiation, which can cause sunburn. If adequately applied, sunscreens with sky-high SPFs offer slightly better protection against lobster-red burns than an SPF 30. But they don’t necessarily offer stellar protection against the more deeply penetrating ultraviolet A radiation, or so-called aging rays.”

Dr. Elma D. Baron, an assistant professor of dermatology at Case Western Reserve University who sees patients at hospitals in Cleveland, said “Just walking down the drugstore aisle and seeing a SPF 90 or 95, they assume, ‘This is what I need.” But that’s not necessarily the case. No SPF, not even 100+, offers 100 percent protection. What’s more, both UVA and UVB radiation can lead to skin cancer, which is why dermatologists now advise using sunscreens with an SPF of at least 15 and UVA-fighting ingredients like an avobenzone that doesn’t degrade in light or Mexoryl SX.

Image via google Images

The difference in UVB protection between an SPF 100 and SPF 50 is marginal. Far from offering double the blockage, SPF 100 blocks 99 percent of UVB rays, while SPF 50 blocks 98 percent. (SPF 30, that old-timer, holds its own, deflecting 96.7 percent).

– Interview taken from Catherine Saint Louis of New York Times

Image via Google Images

The number of SPF doesn’t really matter; it’s the amount of application that matters. To achieve the SPF indicated on the label of the sunscreen lotion that you bought you have to consume the whole content of the bottle. You can do this by re-applying the lotion on your skin every 30 minutes or every time you sweat and after swimming. Applying only half the amount of what’s inside the bottle wouldn’t give you half of the SPF that is indicated on the label but rather, the protection you get is way less than that.

So before planning to achieve that perfect tan, be sure to achieve first the needed sun protection for your skin

Friday, February 5, 2010

Public health services and the impact on the surroundings

Public health service can be divided into two kinds: diseases prevention services and disease –control services.

Good health comes from the available of the nutritious food, clean air and drinking water and good sanitation in the form of clean latrines. To achieve these, both people’s cooperation and governmental efforts are necessary.

Kerala has a low death rate among the people in general, but particularly among infants and pregnant women, only because of the availability of these facilities. Let us understand this in some detail.

About 24 lakh children below the age of five die in India every year. Madhya Pradesh has the highest infant mortality rate with 13.7 per thousand live births, while Kerala has the lowest with 18. In Andhra Pradesh, the infant mortality rate is 85 per thousand. The death rate among pregnant women is 707 against lakh live births in Uttar Pradesh, 670 in Rajasthan, 498 in Madhya Pradesh, 159 in Andhra Pradesh, and 79 in Tamil Nadu.

From an analysis of the above data, we can see that back ward states like Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh have a high death –rate because of lack of sanitation and contaminated water supply. In Tamil Nadu and Kerala, where sanitation is good, untimely deaths are fewer.

Diseases such as diarrhea, pneumonia, malaria, sepsis and tuberculosis cause most of the deaths. All these diseases are the result of unhygienic conditions. In Andhra Pradesh, public health is a major causality in the backward areas of Srikakulam, Vijayanagaram, Telangana, Adilabad and Mahabubnagar.

The most important challenge for the poor is housing. Our villages face a shortage of one crore 50 lakh houses. About one crore 15 Lakhs houses are beyond repair. About 50 lakh houses are very congested. According to the 2001 census, 19 crore families live in rural areas. Of these, 40% live in one –room and 30% in two-room houses. Only 26% of rural families live in three or more rooms. About 34 lakh families have no separate room as such. This is why as part of the Bharat Nirman program, a target of building 60 lakh houses in four years for the below poverty line people has been set, in our rural areas, only 81% of the families have drinking water facilities, 44% have electricity, 34% have drainage facility and 22% have sanitary latrines.

Initially, migration to large cities like Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Kurnool, Warangal and Rajahmundry is either for education or employment. Soon, however, the people settle down in such places. This increases the challenge of urban housing.

Thousands of pilgrims come to temple –towns like Tirupati, Bhadrachalam and Simhachalam every day. They cause immense damage to the rivers and lakes around. Tourists and pilgrims consume water carelessly and damage the soil by littering carelessly. As a result, even basic environmental resources become scarce to the people residing in these areas.

In Sattupalli and Dammayipeta villages of Khammam district, people have stopped littering waste in the open every house and school has proper sanitary condition provide. About 708 schools in the district are implementing the program. The doctors, engineers and sarpanchas here went to each house and convinced the people about the need for hygiene. They made cement rings and installed them in each house as a dustbin.

Even in tribal areas, the construction of toilets has changed people’s lives. The educational committees cooperated in building toilets. In every school, with the help of the United Nations children’s fund [UNICEF] and with constant guidance from experts, the project was completed under the leadership. Though such initiatives and efforts, we can protect our lakes, rivers and environment. We can prevent diseases such as diarrhea and cholera. The examples of the two villages in Khammam should be an inspiration to us.

In 2003, there were 173 municipalities in the state. In 2006, there are 123, showing the rapid development of urban areas. In this rapid urbanization, our state stands seventh in India. In 1971, our urban population was 84 Lakhs. Now it is more than 2.5 crore.

While the urban population in Telangana is 44% the coastal areas have 41% Rayalaseema has only 15%. Hyderabad and Visakhapatnam are the two metropolises in Andhra Pradesh. Nearly 30% of our urban population is concentrated in these two cities.

In 1971, only four cities attracted the migrants. In 2001, twenty-eight cities did so. Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam, Guntur and Vijayawada are under severe pressure from migrants.

Any city can provide facilities for a limited number of people. But with growing populations and increasing migration, the problems increase many times over. There are shortfalls in sanitation, electricity and water supply. Slums, overcrowded buses, traffic jams and obscene of even basic facilities are a common sight. All this is due to growing urban population.

Recipes for Two Special Dosas-Wheat Dosa and Neeru Dosa

Dosa is a dish which is very much popular, especially in South India. It is the best choice for a heavy breakfast. There are quite a few varieties of dosa. Here, I would like to share two of the varieties which are not so commonly seen. They are: Wheat Dosa and Neeru Dosa.


Also called Godhuma dosa, this is a one of the nice varieties of dosa and serves as a good oil-free alternative to chapattis.


Wheat flour (Atta): 2 cups

Rice flour: 2 cups

Salt-to taste

Curds-1/2 cup (optional)


1. Mix the wheat flour, rice flour and curds with salt. Make a dosa batter and leave it for 5-10 minutes.

2. Add finely cut green chillies, ginger and curry leaves.

3. Heat oil and prepare some seasoning with mustard and chana dal. Add it to the batter and mix well.

4. Heat tawa and pour the dosa batter onto it after smearing oil. Cook for about 4-5 minutes till the dosas get a reddish tinge.

A slight variation in the preparation of this dosa, if planned in advance, would be to soak wheat and rice for 3-4 hours, grind it and leave it overnight for fermentation, before starting to prepare dosas.

Nutritive information:

Calories: 80

Cholesterol: Nil

Carbohydrates: 21.7g


This dosa, an ideal breakfast/snack dish, is unique to Dakshina Kannada. It is prepared mainly from rice flour and therefore, is pure white in colour.


Rice-1 cup

Oil- 1 to 2 tsp

Salt-to taste


1. Soak rice in water for about 3-4 hours. Grind it to a fine liquefied paste, adding sufficient water.

2. Add salt, water and mix well to prepare the batter. Make sure that the batter is very thin.

3. Heat tawa on the stove and smear little oil. Take a small quantity of the batter and pour it evenly on all sides.

4. Cook on both sides for about 1-2 minutes. Remove and serve with coconut chutney.

Nutritional Information:

Calories : 78( comparatively less, as the batter is made very thin)

Cholesterol: Nil

Carbohydrates: 17g

Effects of alcohol

Doctors says that alcoholic drinks are harmless drinks are harmless if one takes them moderately.But, the problem is that once a person gets addicted to drinking his life becomes miserable.

Alcoholics often show personality changes once they drink in a compulsive way. They may become angry and argumentative, quiet or depressed.

Often a small amount of alcohol causes person with alcoholism to feel even more anxious, sad, tense and confused.They even seek relief by drinking more.

Once they fully drunk, they begin to do unusual things. They do not know what they do. They do not know what they do.They fight with others; they scold others for little things.At times,cases of murder,rape and molestation are also seen rustling from excessive drinking.

Serious damage to the liver, heart, stomach and other organs,especially the brain, can result from the excessive use of alcohol. Many alcoholics do not eat properly,and some of their ills are caused by poor nutrition. In some the tribal cultures, it is necessary to take rice beer.Some of them take this even for lunch and supper, too. As a result,they are physically weak.

The problem of drunken driving has become a serious problem in this modern world.Many people are losing their lives in road accidents.

Moreover, the effects of alcohol on the family are very bad . It has been observed in a number of cases that the father who drinks too much abuses his wife.

As a result, the children of the family can not concentrate on their studies .They grow in anger and fear.Drinking indeed causes very serious problems in society.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Essential Asthma Info

Do you have an asthma condition or allergy? If you do, you need to know what it is all about so that you can effectively prevent it from negatively affecting your life.
The causes of asthma may vary from one individual to another and because of this, some asthmatic individuals experience mild or severe attacks.
How can you tell if you’re having a severe asthma attack? You need to take immediate action if you’re already experiencing difficulty in breathing. This happens because of the low oxygen level in the extremities and the lips.
The only way to properly address your asthma symptoms is to consult first an experienced medical professional. By undergoing a thorough check up, you will be able to treat your asthma allergy effectively. Several tests are usually conducted to confirm if an individual has asthma. A qualified doctor is the only one who can identify the cause of your asthma allergy and after that, he or she will give you the best treatment option.
Oftentimes, a certain substance is used to treat the allergy. This substance decreases the inflammation of the respiratory system’s lining. Such medications decrease chemicals which cause the narrowing and inflammation of the bronchioles and bronchi lumen. You can’t just administer the asthma medications without the doctor’s advice because you might compromise your health and safety, especially in the case of acute asthma.
On the onset of the asthma attack, you must consult a doctor immediately. Even if you’re unsure about your condition, a medical check up can clear your mind and suspicions. Certain substances and chemicals can cause the attack and once these things are identified, you can avoid the asthma attacks. Such chemicals or substances are also called triggers. If you hardly know anything about asthma, this article can help you in some way. However, you can’t just rely entirely on this information source especially if you’re having severe attacks. Again, try to schedule an appointment with your doctor.
If it is already confirmed that you have asthma, you must follow your doctor’s instructions and prescriptions. Try to avoid the asthma triggers so that you can also stay away from the attacks. Asthma can also cause death in some cases. When left untreated, your asthma can get worse. Severe asthma attacks can be very difficult to handle without the help of a medical professional.
There is loads of information about asthma online. You can only make use of them after you’ve consulted a doctor. Asthma information is quite valuable especially to asthma patients. If you want to prevent or avoid this condition, prevention is still the best cure. Besides, medical costs are continuously increasing every year, including that of the asthma treatments. If you don’t experience any asthma attacks, then you won’t have to spend anything on the medical costs. There are also ways to prevent asthma. If the doctor has already identified the asthmaggers, you should stay away from them as much as possible.
Living a healthy lifestyle is probably the best way

Asthma Types

You can never really tell the onset of asthma. However, if your family has a history of asthma, you need to be extra careful because you might develop the condition as well.

Asthma is of different types – extrinsic and intrinsic.

Extrinsic Asthma

So far, most of the asthma patients in the different parts of the world belong to the extrinsic asthma type. Children are very susceptible to certain allergies and so it is much easier to develop extrinsic asthma. Kids with allergy histories, eczema, and hay fever are prone to develop extrinsic asthma. But as they grow older, the allergies and asthma attacks disappear. There are times when these allergies return because of some triggering factors but this usually happens when the child has reached his or her adult stage.

Intrinsic Asthma

Intrinsic asthma is different from the extrinsic because this usually occurs among women in the late 20s or early 30s. This type of asthma is perennial and chronic, therefore, it is not associated with the childhood allergies.

You need to consult a doctor to determine if you have intrinsic asthma. The doctor will try to look and check at the patient’s medical history, especially that of the respiratory tract infections.

Doctors also try to classify or categorize the disease’s intensity. Some patients have moderate attacks while others have severe asthma attacks. Almost 30% of asthma patients have mild attacks. In the western societies, air quality is decreasing and so asthma is quite prevalent.

According to many scientists, asthma has something to do with the genetic makeup of the individual. For instance, if your parents and siblings have asthma, you’re at risk of developing the disease as well. So if you have a history of asthma in your family, you must prevent this condition from occurring. There are lots of preventive measures to avoid the attacks. Try to gather as much information about asthma so that you can be well-informed. If you know a lot about asthma, you can effectively prevent it from developing.

For asthma patients, the doctor can give you relievers but this can only provide short-term speedy relief. It prevents the attacks from becoming worse. Some doctors prescribe medications for asthma especially if the attacks are allergy-induced. By taking the medications, the immune system and the body will not react to the allergens.

Now that you know the two types of asthma, which type do you belong? Keep in mind that only a doctor can properly diagnose your condition. Even if you find a lot of information about asthma, you should still rely on the doctor’s findings. Several tests are conducted to diagnose the condition properly. If you’re experiencing asthma-like symptoms, visit the doctor immediately. That way, you can treat asthma right away and the doctor will also give you treatment options which you can afford.

Talk to your doctor about the asthma symptoms you’re experiencing. Don’t wait until you have a severe asthma attack. You must do this especially if you’re at risk of developing the disease.

So why wait until things get out of hand? Many people die because of asthma every year. You can prevent this disease and/or you can effectively manage and control such condition. Don’t hesitate to call your doctor next time you experience asthma symptoms. Health conditions are addressed effectively when identified and treated early.

Asthma Remedies

Before you decide to use any asthma remedies at home, you need to know more about this serious health condition. Did you know that asthma can cause death? Yes, and that’s very true; this is the reason why asthma requires immediate treatment to prevent the condition from getting worse. If you think you’re at risk of developing the disease, read on.

Asthma attacks occur when there is inflammation of the air passage or bronchial tubes. Asthma is considered as a chronic health condition but even if you have it, you can effectively manage and control it with the help of your doctor. Since the airways are affected, you will experience difficult in breathing. The attacks can be mild or severe but one thing’s for sure, the condition can be deadly when left untreated. In the US, over 20 million people are suffering from asthma.

Asthma is called by different names like reactive airway disease, asthmatic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and wheezy bronchitis but they all mean one thing. Most of the attacks are triggered by inhaled substances such as animal dander, dust, feather, and pollen. Irritants can also trigger the attacks such as cigarette smoke, odors, gases, and dirt. If you had respiratory infections like bronchitis, sore throats, flu, and colds, you are also at risk. Other factors like emotional stress (excitement and fear), carrying heavy objects, or running (strenuous physical activities), weather conditions (sudden change in temperature or weather) and certain medications (e.g. aspirin) can trigger the attacks as well. Proper management of the disease is required because asthma has no cure. These are the symptoms that you should look out for – chest tightness, breath shortness, wheezing, and cough; if you have these symptoms, visit your doctor immediately. Once you’re exposed to the asthma triggers, the bronchial tubes become swollen and inflamed.

You can’t really tell when the attacks might happen so you need to identify the possible triggers. With the doctor’s help, you can stay away from the triggers. Individuals who are already diagnosed with asthma often exhibit the symptoms several times in a week especially they engaged in strenuous activities. Here’s good news – you can control the attacks by using medications prescribed by the doctor. These are the best remedies that you can use:

1. Make a mixture out of ½ Tbsp cinnamon powder and 1 Tbsp honey. Take the mixture before sleeping.
2. If your asthma is still in its early stage, boil ½ c of milk and 10 garlic cloves and drink before bedtime. This is great for asthma patients suffering from severe attacks.
3. Figs help in draining your phlegm. Wash 3-4 figs and drench them in 1 c of water. You can eat the figs when your stomach is empty or you can also drink the soaked water.
4. Soak 1 tsp of Fenugeek seeds in 1 c of water overnight; drink this solution at night, preferably before bedtime.
5. Mince garlic cloves in a hot ginger tea. Give this to the asthma patient 2x a day.
6. Boil ajwain and breathe-in the steam. Add honey and drink it 2x or 3x a day.
7. Make a mixture of 1 gm ginger powder, 1 gm black pepper, and 1 tsp of honey molasses.

Use the remedies mentioned above for treating asthma attacks. The ingredients needed are mostly found in your kitchen so you won’t have any problem in preparing them.

Asthma Homeopathy

Health conditions have alternative treatments. Admit it, not everyone can afford to pay for expensive medicines and other medical costs. If you want a cost-effective way to treat asthma, why don’t you try ‘asthma homeopathy’?

Homeopathic asthma treatments are quite effective especially among recently diagnosed patients. Children and babies can benefit greatly from this type of treatment. There are times when the symptoms of asthma disappear when the child grows older but during their adulthood, the condition returns. If this happens, you can also use the homeopathy treatments.

Always keep in mind that many studies have already proven the effectiveness and efficiency of conventional medical treatments for asthma. In fact, it has already saved millions of lives for many years. If you’re using a conventional asthma treatment, try to talk to your doctor and tell him/her that you want to try the homeopathic treatments. Oftentimes, the doctor will tell you to continue your conventional medications and use the homeopathic treatments as a supplement. By combining the two medications, the patient will be able to address the symptoms successfully.

Why is homeopathy very popular? Well, the reason is quite obvious. The homeopathic treatments don’t have side effects, natural, and affordable. Because of these reasons, many people are comfortable in using them for babies, kids, and the elderly. The homeopathic treatments consist of organic products, minerals, and plants. It is prepared in a very special form which deals with the symptoms for better relief.

The effects and results of using asthma homeopathy differ from one individual to another. For instance, a certain homeopathy treatment works well for your friend but when you tried it, it did not exhibit the same effects. When you’re using homeopathy, you should not expect immediate results but you will surely benefit from it over the long run. Use the treatments regularly and properly; that way, the results can be seen in a few weeks. You can consult homeopathy specialists or practitioner in your area so that you can start using the alternative treatments. Asthma medications can be very expensive but you can make a difference if you use an alternative asthma treatment like the homeopathy treatments. The homeopathy practitioner will design a treatment plan which depends on your individual requirements.

As you can see, you can’t use homeopathy treatments used by other people. The practitioner will tailor your needs depending on your current condition. Several factors will be considered such as your age, the severity of the asthma attacks, etc.

There are lots of information resources online about the homeopathy practitioners. With a bit of research, you can easily find a local practitioner who can help you with your problems. Try to check the background of the homeopathy practitioner and don’t forget to look at the testimonials of past customers. This is one way to find out if the practitioner is a good one. Always remember that there are lots of scammers online and you need to stay away from them.

Use the internet now and find a local homeopathy practitioner who will help you in treating the asthma symptoms. Don’t forget to visit your doctor and inform him about your decision to use homeopathy treatments. If something goes wrong, visit your doctor right away. Be very careful in using conventional medicines and alternative treatments together because it might cause certain reactions. Seek medical help first.