Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Types of Deliveries

Once the pregnancy has not established, the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone continue but there is no shedding- the menstruation stops and a woman is said to have conceived. The fertilized ovum gradually grows into the fetus and it takes about 266 days for a fertilized egg to grow into a fully developed baby.
Normal Vaginal Delivery:
It is aided with a small cut of the vaginal outlet sometimes, the process is known as Episiotomy. Episiotomy is done to help quicker delivery and undue downward pressure on uterus and adjoining parts like bladder and rectum.
Suction Delivery:
It is a process in which suction is applied to the low descending head of the baby to hasten deliver. It is also called vacuum method of delivery and helps the mother to deliver quickly. Anesthesia is not required in most of the cases.
Forceps Delivery:
In this type the baby’s head is helped out with the use of forceps e.g. a large pair of tongs, which grasp the baby’s head for applying a downward pull. Mild anesthesia is given to the mother to avoid excessive pain.
Tubal delivery:
It is a rare complication in which the fertilized ovum or embryo becomes blocked in its passage through the fallopian tube. There the embryo continues to grow as it normally would within the uterus. However, the space between the tubes is too small to allow expansion that may rupture, causing a serious hemorrhage and also intense pain in the pelvis. This may also result acute appendicitis. Consult a doctor for necessary surgery as soon as a tubal pregnancy is suspected before the occurrence of hemorrhage.
Induced Delivery:
In this connection, labor is brought on or induced artificially by rupturing the membranes and letting out a little amniotic fluid, which stimulates labor pains. When the pains are too feeble or the delivery is overdue, labor is induced by administrating medicines, which contract the uterus.
Premature Delivery:
The termination of pregnancy after the fetus has become viable such as capable of living independently is called premature birth. And if the fetus is born dead, it is still-birth. Causes which produce abortions can endanger the growth of the fetus resulting in still birth or a premature delivery. Premature delivery is usually the problem with the placenta, the faulty blood supply to the fetus, defective hormone production and effect of injurious toxins and chemicals through the blood to the fetus.
Causes of Premature Delivery:
Obliquity of the uterus.
Uterus subseptus.
Premature fetus.
Dead, macerated and flaccid fetus.
Placenta praevia.
Pelvic tumor.
Breech Delivery:
Most babies are born in head-first position instead of feel-first or shoulder first. If the birth canal is adequate and the baby is small, there may not be any serious difficulty because of breech position. If the baby is bulky and the birth outlet small, this could be dangerous to both mother and the baby. Avoid traveling or bulky jerks during the last few days

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